Before signing a loan agreement, the Client has the right to:

  • receive a draft loan agreement with all documents attached and request for legal advice outside the Company;in addition, the time provided to the client to familiarize with the agreement shall be at least one day, but not more than three business days;
  • apply to Company employees for explanations and consultations regarding the disclosure of the following information:
    - conditions of granting loans, including information about the full cost of the loan product in the state and/or official language as may be chosen by the client;
    - conditions of the loan agreement, including borrower’s responsibility and obligations related to the provision of incorrect information about his/her financial position, and the risks related to obtaining the loan and violations of the loan agreement, provision of collateral and responsibility related to the provision of a guarantee;
    - possibility and procedure of change of the conditions of the Loan Agreement;
    - the list and amounts of all payments related to obtaining, servicing and repayment of the loan.

From the moment of signing the loan agreement and until the moment the client receives funds under the loan agreement, the client has the right to refuse from obtaining the loan on a free-of-charge basis.

After signing the loan agreement and receiving funds from the Company, the client has the right to:

  • receive information from the Company about the amount of the actual debt and, in case of changes in the terms of the loan agreement, receive a new payment schedule;
  • repay the loan in full or in part early and without any penalties;
  • dispute the size of the interest rate on the loan in court;
  • apply to the Company with a request to extend the repayment period or restructure the loan. If the borrower files a written request to the Company to extend the repayment period or restructure the loan, the Company has to consider it and provide a written response to the borrower about the decision taken on this request;
  • if more than 50 percent of the principal amount of the loan has been repaid, replace the existing collateral with another collateral, the cost of which covers the remaining amount of the loan.
  • - get clarifications on the procedure of calculation of loan payments, penalties; - choose the language (state or official) which will be used to prepare the loan agreement.

In addition, the client has the right to:

  • - get clarifications on the procedure of calculation of loan payments, penalties;
  • - choose the language (state or official) which will be used to prepare the loan agreement.


  • use the funds received from the Company for the purposes stipulated by the loan agreement;
  • repay the loan and interest to the Company within the terms stipulated by the loan agreement;
  • reimburse the expenses incurred by the Company as a result of untimely repayment of loan and legal action, including expenses for long-distance calls, cellular communication with the borrower and visits of the Company’s employees to the borrower in accordance with the “Departure Act”, state duty paid by the Company;
  • provide to the Company reliable information about his/her creditworthiness;
  • notify the Company of any changes and complications that may have an impact on the timely repayment of the loan and interest;
  • inform the Company about changes in the surname, name, patronymic, passport data, registration address and place of employment within 10 days from the moment such changes are made.